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    CT Race Worx Front Gusset Kit | Polaris Turbo R & Pro R

    Sold out
    Original price $200.00 - Original price $225.00
    Original price
    $200.00 - $225.00
    Current price $200.00
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    Making incredibly strong a arms and suspension parts is our game, but we need to make sure that the frame has equal strength to support the suspension, so we created a gusset kit for the front of the Pro R and Turbo R.

    A large majority of the time under hard impacts like a G out, clipping a tree rock or stump, or nosing over on a jump, the front suspension pivot points will try to pull outwards and away from the center of the chassis. At the same time the rear suspension points of the front end try to compress and push towards each other. This is common as you always see the tires getting pushed rearward in the wheel well. We created a gusset kit to address this as much as possible within the design limitations of the chassis. The lower rear pivot point is very strong, it has a large casted section that sits into the main body section of the chassis and is a tie in point for multiple places structurally, its strong. The front and the rear upper could use a little more attention though and we gave it the attention it needs. Our gusset kit is made completely from 3/16" grade 50 American Made steel. The front plate ties all 4 front suspension pivot points together to give the chassis the strength it needs to fight those hard impacts. The rear upper pivot gusset replaces the factory bracket that is made out a a material half the thickness of ours. With the stress being transferred across the chassis from one side to the other we strengthened the overall design of the bracket adding gusseting from one side to the other.

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